Welcome to Balou

Thursday, November 24, 2005


Balou is located at the calm H.W.Mesdagplein
in Groningen North-West you will find Balou
in a pleasant jugendstil mansion
of Annemiek Berends.

Balou is a 2nd home, where children can
play, laugh, sing, potter & learn to associate
with children of their own age.

With beautiful weather the children play outside in
the chestnut-trees surrounded garden.

A lot of personal attention & involvement
of the parents are important to Balou.

Our Pedagogical Policy

Balou is a playground for children with
attention for social, emotional & motorical developments.

The children are stimulated to do & discover new things.

Respect for yourself and others is the main subject for Balou.


At Balou every group has a maximum of 10 children.
The group is accompanied by two executives and weither possible
accompanied by volunteers and trainees.

Staff personnel:

The executives have different backgrounds.
From artistic, social, pedogogical skills their act will
be invited and concentrated on the children.


Involvement of the parents is highly appreciated.

Each morning bringing the children there's all the room for parent and child
to start the morning together.

For the parents coffee's ready, so that the parents can meet other parents and have the possibility
to discuss the development of their child with staff personnel.

Also with special occasions and celebrations the parents will be involved.


Kinderdagverblijf Balou
H. W. Mesdagplein 13
9718 HS Groningen

For more information you can contact Annemiek Berends.

Photos & Video Balou

TV Item Balou StadjersTV Oog

Interview with Annemiek for StadjersTV Oog
Note: Unfortunately there are no subtitles available for the interview.

Photos Balou